
Suerte ser fuerte

Yes, we're lucky to be strong, and it rhymes in Spanish. Some day I may title a poem that.

Anyway, aside from these handy post-trip reflections, I'm thinking of doing just highlights (in terms of ideas, etc.) of each day, rather than the whole thing, and then cleaning up and reflecting on the actual journal entries I made as I'm typing them in here.

For today, though, here's my "impact statement" as Jonathan requested:

I can't say that this trip has helped me discover myself, or the world, so much as that it has confirmed and highlighted truths that were being revealed to me elsewhere, filled in some details where before there were none, and allowed me the privelege of becoming part of a new group of friends. To me, the overall shape of the world, for better or for worse, has remained the same: Mexico and Canada, like any two countries, truly are a part of "one world." This trip has helped an old truth sink in and start to well up: Problems start to dissolve only when there's a change of heart. And once something wells up, it starts to overflow through every medium possible.

I really had to cut that down to fit it into a short paragraph.

It's good to read a lot. Everyday life helps confirm the truths you learn. Such was the case with Lee Strobel's "A Case For Christ" during the trip, and Dallas Willard's "The Divine Conspiracy" is going much deeper to that end as I relive the trip through each book's lens.

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